Worried About Your Engine Health?

Oil Analysis Service

Use science to put your mind at rest – Oil analysis service

Do you know oil tells a story and provides a working history of your equipment as well as the condition of your lubricant?

With an oil analysis, you can get a look inside your equipment and get the story without costly teardowns or unnecessary lubricant changes. This can reduce maintenance costs as well as provide peace of mind knowing that your equipment is safe and not wearing out at an excessive rate.

How does the test work?

We work with Motorchecklab in Florida who are recognized as a leading lab skilled in analyzing potential issues in engines subject  to the marine environment. The lab analyses the TBN (Total Base Number) to identify how fresh the oil is, uses a Spectral exam to look for abnormal wear in moving components as indicated by metals and contaminants in the oil, Viscosity to check for contaminants like fuel which reduces viscosity, other tests include measuring contamination by water, glycol (from anti-freeze intrusion) and fuel.

For diesel engines, Soot level is measured to detect improper air/fuel ratios, defective air intakes, faulty injectors, or even blow- by. For gas engines, Nitration products are measured to indicate potential corrosion and accelerated oil deterioration. Attached are example test results. We work with the lab to explain the implications of the tests and advise on any course of action recommended. If you want to have a look into the future of your engine contact Ian at [email protected] 512 387 2464

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